Location: Auckland

Age Range: 18 - 28

Ethnicity: New Zealand

Hair Colour: Dark Brown

Eye Colour: Hazel

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2024BeatriceMy Life is MurderGreenstone PicturesKiel McNaughton
2024Swing (performed as Helena, Snug, and Fairy 1)A Midsummer Night’s DreamPop-Up GlobeDavid Lawrence
2023Young JudithBluebeard’s CastleNZ Opera and NZSODaisy Evans
2023DancerSTRUCTUREDance Plant CollectiveBella Wilson
2022AmberThink TankLove, Blood and Rhetoric ProductionsCaroline Bell-Booth
2022Nora 3Nora - A Doll's HouseThe Actors' ProgramKitan Petkovski
2021BeatriceMuch Ado About NothingShoreside TheatreJason Moffatt
2021AliceAlice in WonderlandClassic Theatre CompanyMary Martin
2021FrankieThe MachineIsaac Bell
2021DancerThe Art of Black GraceBlack GraceNeil Ieremia
2020Pageant contestantThe WildsAmazon
2020Stunt PerformerAvatar SequelsDisneyJames Cameron
2020DancerHōkioi me te Vwōhali Okareka Dance CompanyTairoa Royal
2019Model / DancerWorld of WearableArt Awards ShowWorld of WearableArtAndy Packer
2018Model / DancerWorld of WearableArt Awards ShowWorld of WearableArtMalia Johnston
2018DancerHe Wawā Waraki - Armistice CommemorationMovement of the Human / Ministry of Culture and HeritageMalia Johnston